

West Milford Church of Christ is located in rural Ohio. You can follow the directions below or use Google Maps to find your way to the church.


4855 Casebeer-Miller Road
Hicksville, OH 43526

West Milford Church of Christ is located on Casebeer-Miller Road (CR 106) about 6 miles north of Hicksville, OH. From Hicksville, drive north 1.7 miles on Hwy 18. Turn right on Casebeer-Miller Road (CR 106) and continue north for 4 miles. West Milford Church will be on the right just north of the intersection of County Roads 106 and 75.


When you arrive at West Milford, you’ll find visitor parking to your left along the side of the building. Enter the building at the front steps (near the bell), where you’ll be greeted and directed to the services in the chapel.