

West Milford Church of Christ currently meets on Sundays. Below are an explanation of the activities available.

9:15 am, Fellowship

Members arrive early and catch up with each other. Fellowship comes from the Greek word koinonia, meaning to share in common. Whether there's a meal involved, or work, or play, or study, followers of Jesus should share it in common. This time before the service is a great way to re-connect.

9:30 am, Bible Study

Bible Study is open to everyone, members and guests alike. The Bible is the best way to know God and His son Jesus, whom West Milford Church follows unswervingly. Age appropriate teaching is available for children also.

10:30 am, Worship Gathering

The services are held in the chapel and include singing, prayer, communion, offering, and a sermon. Age appropriate teaching is available for children during the sermon. Learn more about what to expect here.
